High School Guidance » Scholarships


2024 PA American Legion Annual Essay Contest

The Carrolltown American Legion Organization is sponsoring an essay contest following the attached rules and by writing an essay on the topic of:

“Why is the First Amendment important in America?”

Essay criteria:
-Essays must be typed and no less than 500 words and no more
than 1000 words. All words and numbers count as one word.
-Essays must have a cover sheet with the following information:
essay topic, name and address, and parent/guardian name.
-Essays will be judged on proper English structure, accuracy,
extent of information, and originality.
One winning essay will be selected and recognized by the
Carrolltown American Legion at the Academic Banquet.
Each winning essay will have a cash prize to be determined (Up
to $1000 in previous years)
Completed essays are due in the Guidance Office on May 1st th
at 3:00 PM.
If you have any questions, please come to the Guidance Office.

Bill Marshall Memorial Scholarship

Amount: Two $500 scholarships will be awarded
• Graduating Senior from Cambria Heights High School

• Must be enrolling in a trade school, a 2-year degree program or a 4-year degree program

• Minimum GPA of 3.0

• Student had no disciplinary infractions during their senior year

• 2 Letters of Recommendation submitted to the High School Principal by a faculty member/coach that attest to the student’s positive attitude and
positive influence on the school climate/culture

Submit this application and two letters of recommendation to the Guidance Office.

Deadline to apply is Wednesday, April 24, 2024.

From the Class of 2004 Scholarship
  • Open to any senior regardless of postsecondary plans.


  • Essay should be typed on a Google Doc or submitted as a PDF, double space,12 size font, at least one page.


  • Essay should be revised before submission, especially for spelling and grammatical errors.


  • Scorers will rate the essays on a 1-10 scale; highest average score will win.


  • Prize will be at least $100 pending additional donations.



  • Deadline to apply is 3 PM on Wednesday April 16th.


Essay Topic

Ever since your first day as a Cambria Heights Highlander, you've heard the words, “Make it a great day or not; the choice is yours.” What do these words mean to you and how do you plan to apply this philosophy to your years beyond high school?

Also, please explain how you will use the scholarship money.